So ok maybe you think I’ve just plain lost it... yeah, well that happened way back lol!, so I was trying to get together a shot for MM based on a memorable song from my teenage years.
The group was given attention after appearing on the John Peel’s evening show on UK national Radio 1. This song that I was going for was a 1982 Grammy nominated title, based on an earlier song by the slightly less acceptable song about cannabis by the Mighty Diamonds. The term they used for cannabis was changed to a patois term referring to a cooking pot... The song reached #1 in the UK and also a U.S. top 10 placing in the Billboard top 100.
The track also featured political and economic overtones throughout the song, As another clue, not sure it would help if you haven’t got it yet, but one of the lines was “How does it feel when ya got no food?"... but the song is only well known for its chorus.
The image... ok well, I’m sure this will be more out of camera than you might imagine, cropped a bit, marginal contrast, saturation, and sharpening tweaks, and is basically me holding a glass pot ( that is supposed to be a cooking pot probably not authentic for the purposes of the song ) which acts as a lens, above some vinyl, which isn’t the track if you are looking for evidence, what can I say it looked good to me so I hope you like.